Heart Lovin’ Herbal Chocolate – Hawthorn Recipe

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This month’s herb is Hawthorn. We chose hawthorn because it is the herb every herbalist thinks of when they think of heart health. Hawthorn, valentines day, love, and general heart opening body loving goodness was the inspiration of these chocolates. They are the perfect way to get heart healthy herbal goodness into your body without the unpleasant taste of tinctures.


About The Ingredients:

Cocoa contains more antioxidants than red wine and green and black tea. These antioxidants are released when the cocoa is warmed up. It contains flavinoids which help improve cardiovascular function, blood pressure, and heart health. These flavanoids have also been lined to an increase in blood flow to the brain improving memory and possibly reducing the chances of dementia. Lets not forget it is a well known aphrodisiac and makes worries go away. Traditionally cocoa was enjoyed in spicy, not sweet brews, and as a ceremonial herb, not a day to day treat. Be sure when you buy cocoa that it is coming from a fair trade source. If not you might be supporting what is akin to slavery to grow your cocoa. That can’t be energetically good can it?

Hawthorn is most commonly known as superb herb for the heart and circulatory system.  In fact many herbalists consider it the herb for the heart.  It’s gentle action nourishes and tones, strengthening the whole circulatory system.  Hawthorn is a trophorestorative for the heart.  Meaning that it brings balance to the heart when used long term, truly and deeply helping to correct excess or deficient tendencies while revitalizing both function and structure.  Wondrous in its capacity as a heart tonic, hawthorn has the ability to stimulate or depress the heart and circulatory system in response to the needs of the body.   It is used to treat both high and low blood pressure and may help those suffering with postural hypotension.  It’s rich antioxidant content provides excellent nourishment for the body and heart offering protection from free radical damage.  To learn more about hawthorn get the February 2014 Hawthorn issue here.

Rose is rich in vitamins A, B, K, flavonoids, and polyphenols. The flavor and smell can not be missed. The delicate floral flavor helps us turn inward and open the heart to love from our selves and others.

Maca is a root related to a radish that grows in the mountains of peru. It is a touted “super food”, because it is a food and can be enjoyed like any other food. It is highly nutritious and rich in vitamins B, C and E as well as providing calcium, zinc, magnesium, iron and amino acids. It balances hormones thus boosting libido, increases fertility and endurance. It helps balance the mood and generally nourish the body.

Cinnamon has been shown to help lower blood sugar, cholesterol and reduce inflammation (another cause of heart disease). It is delicious, sweet, and warming which helps balance the cooling rose in the chocolates adding a wonderful flavor balance and health promoting boost.

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